Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My New Year Resolutions...

Hey People!!!

First of all, let me wish one and all 'Compliments of the Season'...hope you all had a rollicking time with the Christmas celebrations and holidays!!!

Mine was interesting in its own way, spent time with a relative ailing from multiple myeloma...it felt nice to be a part of the celebrations of the family!

Anyway, a lot has been happening in my life helping me to introspect on What I Want from My Life and to tell you the truth, I was amazed at a lot of things I thought about!!!

Now, with all the positive feeling, I decided..for the second time in my life...to have a New Year's Resolution...the first one was last year and I ended up successful with just one or two...

So...here is my list of Resolutions that I intend to keep for 2009:

1. Stay healthy and fit - both physically and mentally. Now, this has always been my priority, but for personal and professional fuck-ups, have always ended up gaining more weight and turning more lethargic than required (p.s: its OK to be a lil lethargic, at times ;) )
Now, in order to achieve this I intend to take up Yoga, swimming and some other forms of exercise, a daily walk or workout for 1 hour or so...

2. Travel and see more of the World - this one is required, definitely! My city seems to be boring the pants of me and I have even lost expecting much from it!!! Backpacking and going for trips to explore new places is always a nice get-away and at the same time it gives you that much required break from your maddening work-schedule. To see it turn successful, I have joined the YHAI and intend to go for at least two trips with them in 2009.

3. Do more and expect less of life and relationships - I guess, mastering this one will take quite some time but it shall be worth the effort. After a failed love-life, the whole world seems to be crumbling down, but I guess, I have learnt to move-on to better things in life though sometimes the thoughts still hound me... I guess, too much of thinking and analysis really doesn't bring one peace, so I have decided to let go off things this time around and have a fresh and positive thinking towards life and relationships!

4. Behave more Girly!!!! - I know all my friends may die laughing after reading this one, but yeah...I guess I need to realize that I am INDEED a Girl and need to behave more like it...even if it means wearing the occasional make-up and shopping!!! No harm in being who you are!!!

5. Learn to Save Money!!!!!!!!! - this one is the most important of all, my thrifty habits haven't left much scope for savings and all, but I guess...its better late than never!!!!

More than anything else, I just want to be a better person, doing my bit, being more proactive and responsible towards my duties as a daughter, sister, friend, citizen and human being!!!

I wish everyone reading my blog and otherwise, a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!!! Hope you get all that you have desired and worked for!!!!

Love as Always,

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At 5:27 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, your resolutions show determination. Hope you'll be a wife as well, soon. :) Fun reading your blog! You have a fan!


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