its Best!!!!

Yo people! Wasssup???
Apologies for not blogging that often however I had to make time to post this masterpiece of an advertisement that I happened to notice while travelling by a local train today!
I was at a complete loss for words when I saw this outstanding artwork by "I-wish-I-could-meet-the-guy-who-made-this-design-once-before-I-die"
For all those who cannot read Hindi, the ad is basically trying to tell us about this God-awesome Sikander Shah who "challenges" all the fraudulent Bengali Babas who are taking his "loyal clients" away.
Now, mind you... these "loyal clients" are drunk, addicted, sex-deprived, jobless, non-married folk who flock to this amazing guy to get rid of all their woes!!!!
Whats more, he offers a 3-day "Vashikaran" FREE FREE FREE!!!!!
Oh... by the way, VashiKaran is a technique to change situations and circumstances in one's favor and get what one wants!!!!! (#$^%@&#%@^$%@^#@%$#@^$#%@&#@^!&)
And, I, in all my glee clicked this ad to share it with all those who want some Vashikaran and what-not to be done!
Good Luck,
PS: Not to self - I should get in touch with this Sikander Baba and ask him to pay me if he gets any clients through my blog-post :P
Labels: Funny Situations, sarcasm